The benefits of Private Coaching
It’s no secret that football is the most widely played and competitive sport. With children learning to play soccer in the playground, at school training, with friends, in local teams or even in professional environments, soccer is a sport that most children will encounter. Playing in social environments is also fundamental to the development of every player. However, with soccer being a team sport it can be difficult for a child to receive the one on one attention they sometimes look for and at times require to become the best player they can be.
1 to 1 coaching is standard amongst many individual disciplines such as music, tennis, athletics & golf to name a few but there is a growing trend within football for 1on1 soccer training even though it is a team game. One on One soccer training and individual soccer/football practice can really take your game to the next level.
1-on-1 coaching, has become increasingly popular over the past few years and to help decide if these sessions are the best option for you, we’ve put together a list of benefits you can gain from 1-on-1 soccer coaching:

1. Centre of attention
1-on-1 football coaching puts the learner at the centre of attention, it’s easy for players to get overlooked at group training or in busy environments - this form of training provides the perfect opportunity for the coach to deliver detailed coaching points that will increase the player’s performance. In addition to this, from a coaching and teaching perspective it is important to acknowledge that every individual is different and therefore, may have different learning styles. A 1-on-1 coach can quickly assess how each player most effectively learns and adapt their coaching style to fit them best.
2. Social and Psychological Development
Over the recent years, the FA has promoted the importance of player psychology. 1-on-1 football coaching creates an environment in which the player is being constantly and adequately challenged. This form of training encourages players to take ownership and responsibility for their successes and failures within each session. This can have a positive effect in preparation for matches and competitive environments and can also make them a more independent and decisive player in team environments. Build confidence in a football player – Soccer is very much a mental game as much as it is a physical one. Confidence plays a huge role in whether a soccer player succeeds and that is where 1on1 soccer training can help. Training in a positive environment where the focus is all about the player can really help to break down mental barriers and lift a soccer player to new confidence levels.
3. Working towards personal goals: no matter the ability
There is a common misconception that only professional or near academy players should pursue 1-on-1 football coaching. This is wrong, the benefit of a 1-on-1 football coach is that they are flexible, have vast experience and can design a personal programme relevant to the areas the player would like to develop in. Each player has different objectives, goals and circumstances and this is why a 1-on-1 football coach can really help as they will take the time to listen, analyse and discuss a strategy and programme to effectively develop the player. There is also a constant communication line between the coach and the player which allows both to adapt to situations or unpredictable circumstances and most importantly continuously look for possible improvements in performance. For players looking to learn how to play soccer and are new to the game – being thrown straight into a team environment or soccer match can be daunting so working with an expert to start with can help ease you into the world of soccer. For players wanting to play at an advanced or elite level – This is probably the most common reason for 1on1 training. As you aim higher and your level increases, the margins become smaller so working with an expert across specific and targeted areas of your game can really make a difference.
4. Practice makes permanent
No matter the level of the player, there is always room for technical improvement and it is often hard for the player to know themselves what needs correcting and what they should be doing differently. If a player unknowingly repeats an action or a touch on the ball with bad form, then they will find it difficult to correct this. However, in a 1-on-1 coaching environment, the coach is able to spot bad technique quickly and correct it. This means that mistakes can be explained to the player in detail, so that they have a better understanding of the correct form and work on repeating good habits. Learn and refine new techniques – Technical football is an area that is often over looked in team training but it is a vital component of a soccer player’s makeup. 1on1 soccer training and individual soccer practice is great for mastering skills that can be difficult to master in a game situation. Learning core ball mastery, first touch, turning techniques and ball striking along 1v1 domination are examples of where 1on1 soccer training will really benefit the footballer.
5. Time/Location Flexibility
Busy schedules can be challenging and 1-on-1 football coaching provides an efficient training session that can fit in with your timetable. 1-on-1 football coaches work versatile hours and will be able to coach based on the rest of the player’s routine which is especially important if the player has team training and matches at other points in the week, allowing for necessary recovery time. This is also beneficial for busy parents who can book their coach for time slots that are convenient and allow them to juggle other commitments. Another benefit of 1-on-1 coaching is the flexibility of location, you may not need to travel far, have access to equipment or a pitch, often a park is effective as the coach will bring their own equipment.
6. More touches of the ball
Especially at the foundation age, its super important to get as many touches on the ball as possible. The amount of touches a player can have during a 1 on 1 session compared to a group session are night and day. These touches are vital for ball mastery and confidence.

These benefits are just the beginning of the positive effects this coaching can have on players. The best way to find out how they can develop a player’s performance and if this is the right option for you is to test it out. 1-on-1 coaches are always looking for new clients as they are often energetic and driven individuals who are passionate about the development of their players.
Would you like to book a coaching session with LJ Soccer? Coming along to one of our weekly sessions is a great opportunity for you and your child to meet the coach, gain confidence and enjoy our fun football training! Meeting the coach is a great thing to do before starting 1-on-1 sessions as your child will already feel comfortable around their coach.
Contact to book a FREE trial to see if this type of training is right for you